
I love this week’s challenge as it allows me to have some creative fun. I took an original piece of art that I created for Halloween called ‘Bad Hair Day’ and ‘zombified’ it by adding the skull face to make her look just a little more eerie.


This original Halloween artwork, without the skull face, is for sale in my gallery as:

Wall Art, Home Décor, Puzzle, Beach Items, Tote Bags, Greeting Card/Stationery, Phone Case, Coffee Mug, Face Mask and Apparel.

The image is adjustable, use all of it or just part of it. Every purchase comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Click on the image above for more information.

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This is very eerie and weird, Pennie. Great for the challenge. 🙂

Reply to  adinparadise

Thank you, but it was more about luck than anything else.