The photo challenge this week is minimalism. A minimalist photo can effectively tell a story, in spite of its relative simplicity, and it is anything but “plain”.
This photo was taken in Instow, a small village in Devon. There were many boats sitting on the sand waiting for the tide to come in, but this boat, further down the beach, caught my eye simply because it was by itself. It looked content in it’s own company, happily waiting for the sea to make it mobile again.
I could have created this image to be even more minimalistic, but I felt this was the happy medium between simple and engaging. I hope you do too.
Lovely photo! It almost looks like a toy boat 🙂
The lonely boat reminds me of the ‘solitude’ I tried to convey in my picture. 🙂
I loved your take on the challenge.
Stunning image, Pennie. 🙂
Thank you very much Sylvia.
Hi Pennie,thanks for the pingback:-) Nice photo
Your Welcome Neveah 🙂
Oh this is exactly what they were looking for! I love it!
Thank you Karen, I loved your interpretation too, great photos.