Aligning Who You Are With What You Do!

At the age of 62, while looking back on the evolution of my life, I realized…not for the first time, that I have changed a lot over the years. Not news or rocket science, I am sure most of you would agree, this is the natural progression of things. As we age, what we used to love to do and the way we used to be, either no longer appeals to us, or just simply doesn’t matter anymore. In some cases, ageing can restrict what we do physically or mentally, but what I am talking about here are the changes we make by choice.

Anyway, where am I going with this? What I am trying to say is, regardless of how we evolved, the authentic part of our being, our honest and true selves, never changes, not really. There is always a part of me, my inner being, that always feels the same no matter what. A part of me that I relate to, that makes me feel like myself.

As we experience more of life that inner being expands and develops of course, but the essence of who we are remains the same. We may express ourselves differently, change our lifestyle, have different priorities, but it is all driven by that same engine…that part of us that makes us who we truly are, who we are meant to be.

It sounds a little complex and to be honest it is, it’s hard to explain. When we look at ourselves and acknowledge how much we have changed, we are going by our choices in our current lives compared to our choices of the past. There are many reasons that we make these changes, it’s a natural part of life. But, when I take a long hard look at who I am today, I know that it is the Divine part of me, my soul, that remains constant. That is the real me that I connect with, the rest is simply built around it as a human experience.

Why am I talking about this? I guess it’s because recently, I am struggling to align who I know I am with the human journey I am on. Over the last little while it has definitely become clearer to me who I am spiritually, and why we/you are here on earth in this new energy. But defining the path I want to be on to express that is proving to be more of a challenge. I know when you are consciously connected to your higher self, this should not be the case. Hence this post! I find I want to write, I think about counselling again, I am an artist and designer, but lately my enthusiasm is waning in the creativity department. So, while I write about my woes…I’m hoping to have an aha moment, a wonderful idea of a way I can help humanity in some way, help Gaia and hopefully help to create peace and harmony on earth.

Please comment below if you resonate with this and let me know…how goes the battle!


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