VIDEO – Message from Spirit (Timeless)
A new beginning is happening soon…Do NOT overlook anything.
In case you have forgotten why it’s so important to create this video really says it all. Enjoy!
This is a very short Video of a Gecko that was inside the restaurant running around on the window blinds. He let me stroke his tail without scurrying off immediately. My daughter Hannah was more afraid of him than he … Continued
You have to wait a few seconds to see the first lightning happen. But then the flashes get closer together and get more intense as you get further into it. I find it just fascinating to watch and I did … Continued
This is really cute as the bear swims to the edge, pushes off onto his back and then has to use his big paws to push himself away from the wall.
All part of a fun day out at Toronto Zoo.
This is copyright protected - © Pennie McCracken, Endless Skys
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