The original version of the Marseille Tarot was published in Paris circa 1650 by master card-maker Jean Noblet. The Noblet deck is known for having the title LAMORT (Death) on the XIII Major Arcana card whereas most of the other Tarot de Marseille decks have the card numbered but unnamed, e.g., Jean Dodal Tarot (circa 1701) and Nicolas Conver Tarot (circa 1761).
The Noblet deck is also known for its Fool card that has graphic attention to detail in the private parts of the Fool. As well, the animal on the Fool card is said by some to resemble a cat more closely than a dog. In other early versions of the Tarot de Marseille, the image of the animal depicted in the Fool card is such that there is less consensus as to whether the animal is either canine or feline. Another particularity of this deck is its small size.
The deck (shown in the images) is my original 78-card tarot deck, created with a vintage “distressed” look, based on the original Tarot de Marseille. Each one is created by hand so even though I create them all similarly they are not uniform. Made from premium 330gsm superior quality cardstock with black core (smooth finish) in the usual tarot size cards. They come sealed in a window tuck box. There is NO booklet with this deck. If you are new to reading the Tarot, there are many, many websites on the internet that offer free meanings and instructions on how to read the cards. Plus there are many how-to instruction books available on Amazon.
A love bringing history back to life and for all you tarot readers/psychics who appreciate the history of the tarot, this could be a deck for you. I created my images with a vintage “distressed” look, for two reasons…… a different appearance to other decks and as an acknowledgement of the age of their design. I kept the authenticity of the imagery, down to the minor details, intact; but I created them in the original tarot size of today.
For more information and to see a gallery of all the cards in the deck click here.