NEW DECK – Tarrocchi Sopraffino

This is my ORIGINAL creation of the Tarrocchi Sopraffino, or Tarocco Soprafino, tarot deck which I created in an Ancient Treasure Map design. The original deck was commissioned by printer Ferdinand Gumppenberg from the artist/engraver Carlo Dellarocca in 1835. With … Continued

Hey Diddle Diddle, Scandalous History

Posted in: Art, ARTicles, History | 0

This is my re-creation of a children’s book Public Domain image by Randolph Caldecott, who was an illustrator and artist from the 19th century. He was a well-known children’s book illustrator and typically his books cost a shilling a piece. … Continued

This is copyright protected - © Pennie McCracken, Endless Skys

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