WHERE’D YA GET THAT? – Bedazzled Camera Strap

Where:  Make-It-Yourself

Price:  $10 – $25 depending on materials chosen

As I am a Photographic Digital Artist I take my camera with me everywhere. Being a woman I loved the idea of making my everyday ‘necklace’ into a fashion statement. This is not a new idea by any means, you can buy decorated camera straps in the stores, but this is so easy to do and you can customize it the way you want.

Camera Strap.jpgAll you need is your camera strap, your choice of ‘bling’ and some fabric glue. Multi-coloured plastic gems from the Craft or Dollar stores are light, inexpensive  and offer a lot of different colour and design choices. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find what I was looking for in the plastic gems, so I chose to use actual jewelry in stead. I bought four bracelets on sale from Wal-Mart, and because they are heavy metal, not plastic, I also needed to use a stronger glue. As I already had industrial strength adhesive at home I decided to use that.

Bling.jpgFirstly, lay your strap flat on the table and layout your ‘bling’ in the design you want, directly on top of it. This step is important because you need to make sure that you have enough ‘bling’ to cover the entire strap, and that you are happy with how your new designer strap is going to look.

Bling loose.jpg

When you are happy with your design carefully glue on your ‘bling’, one piece at a time, taking care no to disturb any other pieces. Once completed, let it dry over night. I put two really heavy books on top of mine while it dried, just to make sure that the glue bonded with the fabric. This wouldn’t be necessary if you used plastic gems.

Voila, there you have it. Your unique designer camera strap which is fun and says more about you than advertising for Nikon.


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