Thieving Magpies!
When I was growing up it was a tradition in England to salute a magpie if you saw one. They were believed to bring good luck, so by saluting them and saying, “Good day captain” you were acknowledging that you … Continued
When I was growing up it was a tradition in England to salute a magpie if you saw one. They were believed to bring good luck, so by saluting them and saying, “Good day captain” you were acknowledging that you … Continued
Dragonflies are known for transformation and symbols of good luck. Allow the universe to guide you!
Telling the truth or facing the truth is not always easy, but honestly, it must be easier than trying to keep up with a lie.
As I was creating the above artwork, I thought to myself is this a Serpent or a Snake. I realized then, that I did not know what the difference was between the two, if indeed there was any. I have … Continued
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