Warmth – Fire and Ice

Posted in: Art, Photography | 6

Candles are used and loved for so many reasons. To decorate a birthday cake, they are lit in memory of loved ones or simply used as a means of light in a black out. I love my candles and I would be very surprised not to find at least one in every household. I light a candle when I have a bath for the ambience and I love using a candle in my living room for their fragrance. The warmth and ambience that they create made me think of how a warm, loving heart can shine a golden light on a dark or cold feeling. It was that thought that inspired the above image ‘Fire and Ice’, the light and warmth of candles, reflecting on to and melting the cold ice.

Happy New Year everyone. I am sending you all the love and light in my heart and wish you the happiest, healthiest and most prosperous year yet!


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The flame of light warming our hearts with its’ glow. A perfect entry for the challenge. It has warmth glowing in every inch.
I hope the coming year, 2015, bring you the wamth of good friends and LOVE.
Happy New Year
Isadora <3

A very happy new year to you to Isadora. Thank you for your lovely comment.


Lovely warm image, Pennie. Happy New Year to you too. 🙂

Thank you Sylvia, I hope that 2015 is your best year ever.

What a nice idea to mention them all! Thank you very much!!!

Reply to  amommasview

You are most welcome.